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Sam Nan Guo  郭南

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Sam Nan Guo received his B.A. in English from Sun Yat-sen University, China, and his M.B.A. from Louisiana State University, U.S.A. He was Chief Alumni Officer at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and taught at UCLA Extension, UC Berkeley, and Pepperdine University. He is an English-Chinese bilingual translator, amateur photographer, and a gourmet who loves cooking.  

郭南(Sam N. GUO)畢業於中國中山大學外語系和美國路易斯安那州立大學商學院。曾任新加坡南洋理工大學校友事務總監。曾在伯克利加州大學(UC Berkeley),洛杉磯加州大學(UCLA)和佩珀代因大學(Pepperdine University)任兼職教授。業餘從事文學和學術翻譯。翻譯/審譯的主要學術著作有:《美國華人社會的變遷》(上海三聯書店,2006年),《美國社會學與亞美研究學的跨學科構建》(中山大學出版社,2013年)和《長為異鄉客?– 當代華人新移民》(世界科技出版公司,2021年)等。


Philip Jia Guo  郭伽

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Personal website:

Philip Jia Guo (郭伽) is an associate professor of Cognitive Science and (by affiliation) Computer Science & Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. His research spans human-computer interaction, data science, programming tools, and online learning. He studies how people learn programming, data science, and design, and he builds tools to help people better understand code and data. He received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University.

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